
   The stiletto whirred as it cut through the cold evening air. Its spinning blade gleamed cruelly in the moonlight, a beacon of death to the man in its path. He never made a sound.
   I'm in. The other members of my company have been assigned different sections of the property. It has been acknowledged that some of us will not make it in, so by spreading out maybe one of us will complete the objective. I crept up to a window, alone, and peered through. An underpaid security worker was snoring loudly into an array of security camera feeds. In one, I saw a stealthy black-garbed figure slide by. One of my brothers in arms. Carefully I applied shock-absorbing paste to the edges of the glass, and then punched in the window with a cloth-covered fist. A light tinkling sound broke the silence. The guard stirred, then fell still with his neck bent at an awkward angle. It really ticks me off when I have to kill innocents with my hands.
   After flicking a switch and disconnecting a couple red wires, the alarm was no longer a threat. I tapped my comm system to let the others know. I immediately heard several rounds of silenced pistol discharged. A pause, then the door opened and three of my four co-operatives joined me. Silently we realized the fourth would not arrive. Two fingers and a nod of the head from my superior allowed us to continue. The others went their own ways inside and I retreated out of the broken window.
   I uncoiled my plasteel coiled rope and attached grappling hook, and sighted my target. The building was only three stories tall.
   Once on the roof I walked to the four corners, and planted powerful C4 charges before covering them with inconspicuous leaves and such. A twinge of regret shook me before I jumped back down to the ground and ran quietly away.
   The sky was painted with fire for hours.

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